Club History

From Port of Spain to Scarborough, we've got you covered!

This year's Executive Officers are:
President - Noel Crawford
Vice President - Bernard Stewart
Secretary - Rohan Kanhai
Treasurer - Rosemarie Jordan-Elcock
Events Co-ordinator - Nioami Croney-Skerritt
Assistant Events Co-ordinator - Naidu Powder

History of the Mini Club 
The Mini Club of Trinidad & Tobago is the Official Club for owners of the Classic Minis designed by Sir Alec Issigonis and first manufactured in the United Kingdom in 1959.

The Club was conceptualized in 2002  and was fully constituted on 8th April 2006 at an inaugural meeting convened at Sonny’s Auto Parts in Chaguanas by Mr. Ravi Ramdeo and Mr. Ramon Rabathaly both Mini owners and both fanatical about honoring the mechanical mastery of the first successfully mass-produced front wheel drive motor vehicle.

At this meeting some 26 members were registered. Since then membership has grown steadily to just under ninety persons. Membership of the club is open to all owners of a registered Classic Mini (i.e. a Mini manufactured between 1959 and 2000) and the BMW minis, manufactured from 2001 onwards .

Mr. Ravi Ramdeo was elected the Clubs President and Mr. Ramon Rabathaly was elected the Clubs Vice-President. Other offices elected at that meeting were Neal De MillsTreasurer; Michael Jordan-ElcockSecretary; Mr. Simon KissoonAsst. Treasurer and Events Co-coordinator; Nigel CharlesFloor Member; and Mr. Sylvan SmithFloor Member.

A Non-Profit Organization
TriniMini was registered as a Non-Profit Organization in September 2006 as a means of putting some organizational structure to the group.

Aims and Objectives
Among the Clubs objectives are the following:-
  • Encourage and develop interest in the ownership of all models of Classic Minis manufactured between 1959 and 2000, and BMW minis thereafter.
  • Act as ambassadors to the general public, via car shows, co-coordinated runs and events, members events and participation in events organized by third parties, to foster interest in all Classic Mini vehicles.
  • Arrange and execute at least two (2) charitable events during the course of each calendar year, either exclusively or in conjunction with business enterprises (private or state-run) or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) or registered Service Clubs (e.g. Lions, Kiwanis, Rotarians)

2009 Mini Celebrated its Golden Anniversary
Our Celebration of the Mini 50th Anniversary on August 30th 2009 was a tremendous success. We had a total of 56 minis present and most of the membership was there with their cars. Approximately 300 people visited, and from their generous donations of canned goods, we prepared and distributed 50 hampers to the less fortunate. A huge Mini cake  was cut with everyone on stage singing  the Stevie Wonder hit "Happy Birthday".

The BMW minis created a stir with the crowd, and other  definite favorites were the V-Tec Mini, Rotary powered Mini, The Oldest Mini, the Mokes and several of the Nissan conversions.

The Kids had their faces painted by Aria’s Angels with Spiderman, Batman & the Butterfly in high demand. Tokens were also given out to children who lined up for the face painting. The bouncy castle & balloon tornado had a constant stream of children passing through, as well. Treats were distributed by Bermudez and Flavorite so all in all, we can safely say the children had a ball.

With Gyros, Burgers and Geera Horse, served throughout the day, there was no shortage of food.

The entertainment was  spot on  with Ravi B,  Soca Elvis, , and Maximus Dan. MC George Gonzales entertained the audience with his jokes and snappy commentary.

Special guests; the Ford Club, the Antique Car club and Xtreme Customs with their RX8 and Scion BBX provided added attractions.

Our hardworking and dedicated membership worked tirelessly in preparing for this event in the weeks leading up to the show. The Trinimini Membership’s dedication and team spirit is what this club is based on, and events like these only serve to unite us and build on our common bond, the Mini. Because of this, our big family will continue on in strength and success, while withstanding all the pitfalls and struggles that may befall us. Congratulations on achieving this tremendous success.

Notable Mentions
As we strive to become better our members participate in a National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course conducted by SafeStar Limited. This course is held annually  or as often as is required when membership expands.  

The Mini Club has also been featured in all major print and electronic media including Guardian Lifestyle Magazine (Apr. 2006). Also an extensive feature in Zorce Magazine Issue # 9 (Feb. 2007) and Sixth Speed Magazine Issue # 1.4 (Nov. 2007).